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We are in a middle of the HOPE_FOREMAN

After 4 months, a half of the project is behind us. It is a great time to summarise what we did and achieved so far. At the beginning we defined a use case and architecture of the solution.

Figure 1. HOPE_FOREMAN architecture

We established the validation scenario for our solution, which will be made in a real manufacturing scenario of our partner - CMBIT, which is active in a metal industry.

Figure 2. HOPE_FOREMAN validation scenario

Then we started working on (1) collecting the information on job satisfaction through emojis and its reporting, (2) planning the capacities with use of the collected information, (3) task to person dispatching and scheduling, (4) work instructions storing, (5) OEE calculation and reporting. Some works are still in progress as are very complex, eg. planning algorithms.

The first project results are visible in our application. See the attached file to have a better insight into the components we are developing.


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